Through this workshop, learn how to start a meditation practice of your own in order to live a more calm, centered, and purposeful life. Connect to the Spirit within you, all around you, and guiding you. Become more aware of the thoughts that are guiding your feelings and actions, and let go of those that are not serving you and embrace and strengthen those that are. In this workshop you will learn:
-how to create the space within your day and within your home to start a meditation practice.
-the basics to guiding yourself through a meditation practice.
-how to sit through pain and discomfort (get to know it, surrender to it, engage with it, what is it trying to communicate to you).
-how to quiet a mind full of thoughts (breathing, visualizations).
-how to bring awareness to your thoughts, feelings, images, sensations that arise during your practice.
-how to integrate your meditation practice throughout your daily life (bring awareness to triggers of stress, anger, anxiety & implement meditation techniques to bring you back to your calm, center, purpose).
-how to start a self-reflective journaling practice to enhance and reflect upon your meditation practice.