Finding inspiration in my daughters.
The Women’s Praise Project began because I was seeking clarity in my life about my career path. I began by writing out a list of the women who had been an inspiration to me, who I felt were living out their highest purpose, who had supported, or believed in me. I wrote about how they had touched my life, and what I admired about them. My hope in doing this, was that it would help me to connect to my own inner-guidance and illuminate a path forward for myself that I would be inspired by. I decided to take my writing project one step further and share with each of these women my reflections and my gratitude for them in my life, as the process of writing was already starting to inspire me and ignite my creative spark. The response I received was surprising and incredibly moving! I received heartfelt responses including teary messages of gratitude, reflections of how I had inspired them, and many shared how surprising and amazing it felt to hear that they had touched someone’s life in a deep and meaningful way. The project and the response I received from my community of women gave me the courage and confidence to pivot my career path in a direction that allowed me to feel more inspired, creative, and energized. So, if you are needing guidance or inspiration in your life, tap into your own community of support and share your praise and gratitude, as this will lift their spirit and yours!