Welcome! My name is Alexandria Romero Gareis, and I’m so happy you are here! So, who am I, and how can I help you? By profession and passion, I facilitate workshops, retreats and online courses that focus on grieving and healing, mindfulness, empowerment through self-care, and expressing authenticity through writing, yoga, and creativity. I work as a holistic practitioner and life coach for kids, teens, and adults, and I am the author of two children’s books that speak to a child's grief over the death of a parent, entitled, "Where Is My Daddy?" and “The Way She Knows Her Daddy.”

To connect with me further, you can~

*Read more about my journey and my professional experiences

*Read my blog

*Learn more about my online courses

*Learn more about my workshops & events

*Book a private healing or coaching session

*Order a copy of my children's book, “Where Is My Daddy?” Or, “The Way She Knows Her Daddy”

Much love to you on your journey and thank you so much for being here!

~Alexandria Romero Gareis

Watch this mini-documentary of the story behind my children's book, "Where Is My Daddy?" As special thanks to my very dear and talented friend, coventryautomatik.com for creating the film! 


Click here to listen to my interview about grief on the spiritual path. I offer tools that helped me best through my grief over my husband's death, how to best help someone who is grieving, and the lessons grief has taught me about life. Enjoy!

Alexandria Romero, M.A. Transpersonal Psychology

Alexandria Romero, M.A. Transpersonal Psychology & Counseling Psychology

Alexandria Romero Gareis has her Master's Degree in Transpersonal Psychology and Counseling Psychology, and is a certified Yoga Instructor. She specializes in grief and loss, the empowerment of women and girls, spiritual development, cultivating mindfulness and heart-centered living, relationships, and family blending. She teaches meditation, yoga, and journaling workshops as well as online courses, and offers Holistic Guidance and Life Coaching. She is the published author of two children’s book about bereavement called, “Where Is My Daddy?” and “The Way She Knows Her Daddy.” Alexandria is now happily remarried, and resides in Pennsylvania with her husband and four children.



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